BNF for TutorialD.jj


 * Lexer definitions
" "
| "\t"
| "\n"
| "\r"
| "\f"

<SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT: "//" (~["\n","\r"])* ("\n" | "\r" | "\r\n")>
| <FORMAL_COMMENT: "/**" (~["*"])* "*" ("*" | ~["*","/"] (~["*"])* "*")* "/">
| <MULTI_LINE_COMMENT: "/*" (~["*"])* "*" ("*" | ~["*","/"] (~["*"])* "*")* "/">

<ADD: "ADD">
| <ALL: "ALL">
| <AND: "AND">
| <AS: "AS">
| <ASC: "ASC">
| <AVG: "AVG">
| <AVGD: "AVGD">
| <BASE: "BASE">
| <BUT: "BUT">
| <BY: "BY">
| <CALL: "CALL">
| <CASE: "CASE">
| <DESC: "DESC">
| <DO: "DO">
| <DROP: "DROP">
| <ELSE: "ELSE">
| <END: "END">
| <EOT: "<EOT>">
| <FOR: "FOR">
| <FROM: "FROM">
| <FULL: "FULL">
| <IF: "IF">
| <IN: "IN">
| <INIT: "INIT">
| <IS: "IS">
| <JOIN: "JOIN">
| <KEY: "KEY">
| <LEFT: "LEFT">
| <LOAD: "LOAD">
| <LAMBDA: "~[">
| <LAMBDAEND: "]~">
| <MAX: "MAX">
| <MIN: "MIN">
| <NAN: "NAN">
| <NOT: "NOT">
| <OR: "OR">
| <PER: "PER">
| <RANK: "RANK">
| <REAL: "REAL">
| <SET: "SET">
| <SUMD: "SUMD">
| <SUM: "SUM">
| <THEN: "THEN">
| <TO: "TO">
| <TRUE: "TRUE">
| <TUPLE: "TUPLE" | "TUP">
| <TYPE: "TYPE">
| <VAR: "VAR">
| <WHEN: "WHEN">
| <WITH: "WITH">
| <WRAP: "WRAP">
| <XOR: "XOR">

| <#DECIMAL_LITERAL: ["0"-"9"] (["0"-"9"])*>
| <FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL: (["0"-"9"])+ "." (["0"-"9"])* (<EXPONENT>)? (["f","F","d","D"])? | "." (["0"-"9"])+ (<EXPONENT>)? (["f","F","d","D"])? | (["0"-"9"])+ <EXPONENT> (["f","F","d","D"])? | (["0"-"9"])+ (<EXPONENT>)? ["f","F","d","D"]>
| <#EXPONENT: ["e","E"] (["+","-"])? (["0"-"9"])+>
| <STRING_LITERAL: ("\"" | "\u2018" | "\u2019" | "\u201c" | "\u201d") (~["\"","\\","\n","\r"] | "\\" (["n","t","b","r","f","\\","\'","\""] | ["0"-"7"] (["0"-"7"])? | ["0"-"3"] ["0"-"7"] ["0"-"7"]))* ("\"" | "\'" | "\u2018" | "\u2019" | "\u201c" | "\u201d") | "\'" (~["\'","\\","\n","\r"] | "\\" (["n","t","b","r","f","\\","\'","\""] | ["0"-"7"] (["0"-"7"])? | ["0"-"3"] ["0"-"7"] ["0"-"7"]))* ("\'" | "\"" | "\u2018" | "\u2019" | "\u201c" | "\u201d")>

<IDENTIFIER: <LETTER> (<LETTER> | <DIGIT> | "." | "#")*>
| <#LETTER: ["$","A"-"Z","_","a"-"z","\u00c0"-"\u00d6","\u00d8"-"\u00f6","\u00f8"-"\u00ff","\u0100"-"\u1fff","\u3040"-"\u318f","\u3300"-"\u337f","\u3400"-"\u3d2d","\u4e00"-"\u9fff","\uf900"-"\ufaff"]>
| <#DIGIT: ["0"-"9","\u0660"-"\u0669","\u06f0"-"\u06f9","\u0966"-"\u096f","\u09e6"-"\u09ef","\u0a66"-"\u0a6f","\u0ae6"-"\u0aef","\u0b66"-"\u0b6f","\u0be7"-"\u0bef","\u0c66"-"\u0c6f","\u0ce6"-"\u0cef","\u0d66"-"\u0d6f","\u0e50"-"\u0e59","\u0ed0"-"\u0ed9","\u1040"-"\u1049"]>

<LPAREN: "(">
| <RPAREN: ")">
| <LBRACE: "{">
| <RBRACE: "}">
| <SEMICOLON: ";">
| <COMMA: ",">
| <COLON: ":">

<ASSIGN: ":=">
| <EQ: "=">
| <GT: ">">
| <LT: "<">
| <LTE_A: "<=">
| <LTE_U: "\u2264">
| <GTE_A: ">=">
| <GTE_U: "\u2265">
| <NEQ_A: "<>">
| <NEQ_U: "\u2260">
| <PLUS: "+">
| <SUBT: "-">
| <STAR: "*">
| <MULT_U: "\u00d7">
| <DIVD_A: "/">
| <DIVD_U: "\u00f7">
| <MODL: "%">
| <BANGBANG_A: "!!">
| <BANGBANG_U: "\u203c">
| <SUBSET: "\u2282">
| <SUBSET_OR_EQUAL: "\u2286">
| <SUPERSET: "\u2283">
| <SUPERSET_OR_EQUAL: "\u2287">
| <ELEMENT_U: "\u2208">
| <BARBAR: "||">

| <TEXT: ~[]>



evaluate ::= ( compound_statement_body ";" )? expression ( <EOT> | <EOF> )
statement_list ::= ( statement )*
code ::= statement_list ( <EOT> | <EOF> )
statement ::= statement_body ";"
op_before_returns ::= <OPERATOR> identifier "(" ( identifier type_ref ( "," identifier type_ref )* )? ")"
op_after_returns ::= op_updates op_synonym op_version ";" op_body <END> ( <OPERATOR> )?
| identifier <FOREIGN> ( <TEXT> )* <ENDFOREIGN> ( <OPERATOR> )?
getoperatorreturntype ::= op_before_returns op_returns op_after_returns
getheading ::= heading
getsignature ::= op_signature op_returns
statement_body ::= assignment
| loop
| op_def
| type_def
| drop
| alter
| var_def
| db_constraint_def
| relation_array_load
| begin_transaction
| compound_statement_body
| commit
| rollback
| call
| return_statement
| case_statement
| if_statement
| leave
| write
| writeln
| output
| announce
| execute
| set
| backup
/* Rel extension - non-TTM */
backup ::= <BACKUP>
/* Rel extension - non-TTM */
write ::= <WRITE> expression
/* Rel extension - non-TTM */
writeln ::= <WRITELN> ( expression )?
/* Rel extension - non-TTM */
output ::= <OUTPUT> expression
/* Rel extension - non-TTM */
announce ::= <ANNOUNCE> string_literal
/* Rel extension - non-TTM */
execute ::= <EXECUTE> expression
/* Rel extension - non-TTM */
set ::= <SET> identifier identifier
compound_statement_body ::= <BEGIN> ";" statement_list <END>
op_def ::= <OPERATOR> identifier "(" parameter_def_commalist ")" op_returns ( rel_op_def | external_op_def )
lambda ::= <OPERATOR> lambda_definition <END> ( <OPERATOR> )?
| <LAMBDA> lambda_definition <LAMBDAEND>
lambda_definition ::= "(" parameter_def_commalist ")" <RETURNS> type_ref ";" op_body
external_op_def ::= identifier <FOREIGN> ( <TEXT> )* <ENDFOREIGN> ( <OPERATOR> )?
rel_op_def ::= op_updates op_synonym op_version ";" op_body <END> ( <OPERATOR> )?
/* Note: op_returns() and op_updates()
should be mutually exclusive. */
op_returns ::= ( <RETURNS> type_ref )?
op_updates ::= ( <UPDATES> "{" ( <ALL> <BUT> parameter_name_commalist )? "}" )?
op_synonym ::= ( synonym_def )?
op_version ::= ( <VERSION> identifier )?
op_body ::= statement_list
return_statement ::= <RETURN> ( expression )?
/* Not explicitly defined in TTM3 */
parameter_def_commalist ::= ( parameter_def ( "," parameter_def )* )?
parameter_def ::= identifier type_ref
/* Not explicitly defined in TTM3 */
parameter_name_commalist ::= ( identifier ( "," identifier )* )?
synonym_def ::= <SYNONYMS> "{" user_op_name_commalist "}"
/* Not explicitly defined in TTM3 */
user_op_name_commalist ::= identifier ( "," identifier )*
/* Inclusion of type_ref_commalist() in
OPERATOR DROP is not per TTM3,
but necessary to 
disambiguate operators. */
drop ::= <DROP> ( <OPERATOR> op_signature | <VAR> identifier | <CONSTRAINT> identifier | <TYPE> identifier )
op_signature ::= identifier "(" type_ref_commalist ")"
alter ::= <ALTER> alter_var
alter_var ::= <VAR> identifier alter_var_action_optional ( var_keydeflist )?
alter_var_action_optional ::= ( alter_var_action )*
alter_var_action ::= <RENAME> identifier <TO> identifier
| <TYPE_OF> identifier <TO> type_ref
| <INSERT> attribute_spec
| <DROP> identifier
op_type ::= <OPERATOR> "(" type_ref_commalist ")" ( <RETURNS> type_ref )?
type_ref_commalist ::= ( type_ref ( "," type_ref )* )?
/* Was user_scalar_type_def */
type_def ::= <TYPE> identifier type_def_kind
type_def_kind ::= type_def_external
| type_def_internal
type_def_external ::= identifier <FOREIGN> ( <TEXT> )* <ENDFOREIGN> ( <TYPE> )?
/* User-defined (internal) types start here */
type_def_internal ::= type_def_internal_ordinal type_def_internal_union type_def_internal_is_or_possrep
type_def_internal_is_or_possrep ::= is_def
| possrep_def_list
type_def_internal_ordinal ::= ( type_def_internal_opt_ordinal )?
type_def_internal_opt_ordinal ::= ( <ORDINAL> | <ORDERED> )
type_def_internal_union ::= ( type_def_internal_opt_union )?
type_def_internal_opt_union ::= <UNION>
is_def ::= <IS> "{" ( single_inheritance_is_def | multiple_inheritance_is_def ) "}"
single_inheritance_is_def ::= identifier possrep_or_specialization_details
possrep_or_specialization_details ::= specialisation_constraint_def ( derived_possrep_def_list )?
| possrep_def_list
multiple_inheritance_is_def ::= scalar_type_name_commalist derived_possrep_def_list
/* Not explicitly defined in TTM3 */
scalar_type_name_commalist ::= scalar_type_name ( "," scalar_type_name )*
scalar_type_name ::= identifier
/* Not explicitly defined in TTM3 */
possrep_def_list ::= ( possrep_def )* possrep_opt_initialiser
/* Not defined in TTM3.  For explicitly setting
values of components not in the current possrep.  
Only required by types with multiple possreps.
Takes the place of "highly protected
operators not part of D". (pg 382, etc.) */
possrep_opt_initialiser ::= ( <INIT> possrep_initialiser_assignments ( possrep_initialiser_assignments )* )?
/* Not defined in TTM3, as per above.
Identifier should be existing POSSREP name. */
possrep_initialiser_assignments ::= identifier "(" assignment ")"
possrep_def ::= <POSSREP> possrep_def_identifier ( "{" | "(" ) possrep_component_def_commalist possrep_opt_constraint_def ( "}" | ")" )
possrep_def_identifier ::= ( identifier )?
possrep_opt_constraint_def ::= ( constraint_def )?
/* Not explicitly defined in TTM3 */
possrep_component_def_commalist ::= ( possrep_component_def ( "," possrep_component_def )* )?
possrep_component_def ::= identifier type_ref
/* Expression must be boolean */
constraint_def ::= <CONSTRAINT> expression
/* Expression must be boolean */
specialisation_constraint_def ::= <CONSTRAINT> expression
/* Not explicitly defined in TTM3 */
derived_possrep_def_list ::= derived_possrep_def ( derived_possrep_def )*
derived_possrep_def ::= <POSSREP> derived_possrep_def_opt_identifier ( "(" | "{" ) derived_possrep_component_def_commalist ( "}" | ")" )
derived_possrep_def_opt_identifier ::= ( identifier )?
/* Not explicitly defined in TTM3 */
derived_possrep_component_def_commalist ::= derived_possrep_component_def ( "," derived_possrep_component_def )*
derived_possrep_component_def ::= identifier "=" identifier "(" identifier ")"
/* End user-defined types (internal) */

/* Includes scalar_var_def,
tuple_var_def */
var_def ::= <VAR> identifier ( var_scalar_or_tuple | var_relvar )
var_relvar ::= ( <REAL> | <BASE> ) var_type_or_init_value var_keydeflist
| <PRIVATE> var_type_or_init_value var_keydeflist
| <PUBLIC> type_ref var_keydeflist
| <VIRTUAL> expression var_keydeflistoptional
| var_relvar_external
var_relvar_external ::= <EXTERNAL> identifier string_literal ( identifier )?
var_keydeflist ::= var_keydef ( var_keydef )*
var_keydeflistoptional ::= ( var_keydef )*
var_keydef ::= <KEY> "{" attribute_name_list "}"
var_scalar_or_tuple ::= var_type_or_init_value
var_type_or_init_value ::= var_type_and_optional_init
| var_init
var_type_and_optional_init ::= type_ref ( <INIT> "(" expression ")" )?
var_init ::= <INIT> "(" expression ")"
db_constraint_def ::= <CONSTRAINT> identifier expression
/* type -- scalar_type, tuple_type, relation_type */
type_ref ::= identifier
| type_same_type_as
| tuple_type
| relation_type
| op_type
| type_array
type_array ::= <ARRAY> type_ref
type_same_type_as ::= <SAME_TYPE_AS> "(" expression ")"
tuple_type ::= <TUPLE> heading_type
relation_type ::= <RELATION> heading_type
heading_type ::= heading
| same_heading_as
same_heading_as ::= <SAME_HEADING_AS> "(" expression ")"
relation_array_load ::= <LOAD> identifier <FROM> expression
begin_transaction ::= <BEGIN> <TRANSACTION>
commit ::= <COMMIT>
rollback ::= <ROLLBACK>
case_statement ::= <CASE> ";" when_def_list case_else <END> ( <CASE> )?
when_def_list ::= when_def ( when_def )*
when_def ::= <WHEN> expression <THEN> statement_list
case_else ::= ( <ELSE> statement_list )?
/* Note that THEN and ELSE are not
followed by semicolons, but maybe should be? */
if_statement ::= <IF> expression <THEN> statement_list if_statement_else <END> ( <IF> )?
if_statement_else ::= ( <ELSE> statement_list )?
loop ::= ( identifier ":" )? ( do_statement | while_statement | for_statement )
do_statement ::= <DO> identifier ":=" expression <TO> expression ";" statement_list <END> ( <DO> )?
while_statement ::= <WHILE> expression ";" statement_list <END> ( <WHILE> )?
for_statement ::= <FOR> expression ";" statement_list <END> ( <FOR> )?
leave ::= <LEAVE> identifier
call ::= <CALL> identifier "(" arglist ")"
assignment ::= assign ( "," assign )*
assign ::= identifier ":=" expression
| <INSERT> identifier expression
| <D_INSERT> identifier expression
| <DELETE> identifier delete_parameter
| <I_DELETE> identifier expression
| <UPDATE> identifier update_where ":" update_assignment
delete_parameter ::= ( ( <WHERE> )? expression )?
update_where ::= ( <WHERE> expression )?
update_assignment ::= "{" ( assignment )? "}"
/* Expressions */
expression ::= ( attribute_from | basic_expression | tuple_from | with | tclose )
attribute_from ::= identifier <FROM> expression
tuple_from ::= <TUPLE> <FROM> expression
with ::= <WITH> "(" name_intro_commalist ")" ":" expression
name_intro_commalist ::= name_intro ( "," name_intro )*
name_intro ::= identifier ":=" expression
tclose ::= <TCLOSE> expression
basic_expression ::= order_expression ( "[" expression "]" | "(" arglist ")" )?
order_expression ::= where_expression ( ( <ORDER> "(" order_item_commalist ")" | <UNORDER> "(" ")" ) )?
where_expression ::= equiv_expression ( <WHERE> equiv_expression )?
equiv_expression ::= or_expression ( <EQUIV> or_expression )*
or_expression ::= xor_expression ( <OR> xor_expression )*
xor_expression ::= and_expression ( <XOR> and_expression )*
and_expression ::= compare_expression ( <AND> compare_expression )*
compare_expression ::= rel_op ( <EQ> rel_op | ( <NEQ_A> | <NEQ_U> ) rel_op | ( <GTE_A> | <GTE_U> ) rel_op | ( <LTE_A> | <LTE_U> ) rel_op | <GT> rel_op | <LT> rel_op | <SUBSET> rel_op | <SUBSET_OR_EQUAL> rel_op | <SUPERSET> rel_op | <SUPERSET_OR_EQUAL> rel_op | ( <IN> | <ELEMENT_U> ) rel_op )?
/* Parentheses around  WRAP, UNWRAP, GROUP, UNGROUP removed as of 1.0.11
   Infix EXTEND added as of 1.0.20.  Not per Tutorial D spec.
   Infix SUMMARIZE added as of 1.0.20.  Not per Tutorial D spec.
   rel_monadic() and rel_dyadic() combined and changed to rel_op() to
   give monadic and dyadic ops equal precedence.
rel_op ::= rel_project ( <RENAME> "{" renaming_commalist "}" | <EXTEND> ( ":" )? "{" extend_add_commalist "}" | <RANK> ( <BY> )? "(" order_item_commalist <AS> identifier ")" | <SUMMARIZE> per_or_by ( ":" )? "{" summarize_add_commalist "}" | <UPDATE> ( ":" )? update_assignment | <WRAP> wrapping | <UNWRAP> identifier | <GROUP> grouping | <UNGROUP> identifier | <DIVIDEBY> expression <PER> "(" expression divide_per_optional ")" | <UNION> rel_project | <XUNION> rel_project | <D_UNION> rel_project | <INTERSECT> rel_project | <MINUS> rel_project | <I_MINUS> rel_project | <JOIN> rel_project | <LEFT> <JOIN> rel_project | <RIGHT> <JOIN> rel_project | <FULL> <JOIN> rel_project | <TIMES> rel_project | <COMPOSE> rel_project | ( <SEMIJOIN> | <MATCHING> ) rel_project | ( <SEMIMINUS> | <NOT> <MATCHING> ) rel_project )*
/* Not explicitly defined in TTM3 */
order_item_commalist ::= ( order_item ( "," order_item )* )?
order_item ::= <ASC> identifier
| <DESC> identifier
divide_per_optional ::= ( "," expression )?
grouping ::= "{" attribute_name_list "}" <AS> identifier
wrapping ::= "{" attribute_name_list "}" <AS> identifier
renaming_commalist ::= ( renaming ( "," renaming )* )?
renaming ::= renaming_simple
| renaming_prefix
| renaming_suffix
renaming_simple ::= identifier <AS> identifier
renaming_prefix ::= <PREFIX> string_literal <AS> string_literal
renaming_suffix ::= <SUFFIX> string_literal <AS> string_literal
attribute_name_list ::= optional_all_but attribute_name_commalist
optional_all_but ::= ( <ALL> <BUT> )?
attribute_name_commalist ::= attribute_name_commalist_attributes_of
| attribute_name_commalist_list
attribute_name_commalist_attributes_of ::= <ATTRIBUTES_OF> "(" expression ")"
attribute_name_commalist_list ::= ( identifier ( "," identifier )* )?
rel_project ::= add_expression ( "{" attribute_name_list "}" )?
add_expression ::= mul_expression ( <PLUS> mul_expression | <SUBT> mul_expression | <BARBAR> mul_expression )*
mul_expression ::= unary_expression ( ( <STAR> | <MULT_U> ) unary_expression | ( <DIVD_A> | <DIVD_U> ) unary_expression | <MODL> unary_expression )*
unary_expression ::= <NOT> unary_expression
| <PLUS> unary_expression
| <SUBT> unary_expression
| primary_expression
primary_expression ::= literal
| aggregate_operator
| exactly
| nadic_or
| nadic_equiv
| nadic_xor
| nadic_and
| nadic_union
| nadic_xunion
| nadic_disjoint_union
| nadic_intersect
| nadic_join
| nadic_times
| nadic_compose
| nadic_count
| nadic_sum
| nadic_avg
| nadic_max
| nadic_min
| extend
| rank
| summarize
| substitute
| case_expression
| if_expression
| search
| type_of
| image_in
| fn_invoke
| dereference
| "(" expression ")"
search ::= <SEARCH> "(" expression "," expression ")"
type_of ::= <TYPE_OF> "(" expression ")"
image_in ::= ( <BANGBANG_A> | <BANGBANG_U> ) ( image_in_bracketed | image_in_identifier )
| <IMAGE_IN> image_in_bracketed
image_in_bracketed ::= "(" expression ( "," expression )? ")"
image_in_identifier ::= identifier
case_expression ::= <CASE> when_def_list_expr <ELSE> expression <END> ( <CASE> )?
when_def_list_expr ::= when_def_expr ( when_def_expr )*
when_def_expr ::= <WHEN> expression <THEN> expression
if_expression ::= <IF> expression <THEN> expression <ELSE> expression <END> ( <IF> )?
/* Update expression, *not* assignment.
Contents of expression() does not change! */
substitute ::= <UPDATE> expression ":" update_assignment
nadic_optional_heading ::= heading "{" heading_exp_commalist "}"
| "{" heading_exp_commalist "}"
nadic_union ::= <UNION> nadic_optional_heading
nadic_xunion ::= <XUNION> nadic_optional_heading
nadic_disjoint_union ::= <D_UNION> nadic_optional_heading
nadic_intersect ::= <INTERSECT> nadic_optional_heading
nadic_join ::= <JOIN> "{" heading_exp_commalist "}"
nadic_times ::= <TIMES> "{" heading_exp_commalist "}"
nadic_compose ::= <COMPOSE> "{" heading_exp_commalist "}"
nadic_or ::= <OR> "{" bool_exp_commalist "}"
nadic_equiv ::= <EQUIV> "{" bool_exp_commalist "}"
nadic_xor ::= <XOR> "{" bool_exp_commalist "}"
nadic_and ::= <AND> "{" bool_exp_commalist "}"
nadic_count ::= <COUNT> "{" exp_commalist "}"
nadic_sum ::= <SUM> "{" exp_commalist "}"
nadic_avg ::= <AVG> "{" exp_commalist "}"
nadic_max ::= <MAX> "{" exp_commalist "}"
nadic_min ::= <MIN> "{" exp_commalist "}"
exactly ::= <EXACTLY> "(" expression ( "," expression ( "," expression )* )? ")"
exp_commalist ::= ( expression ( "," expression )* )?
bool_exp_commalist ::= ( expression ( "," expression )* )?
heading_exp_commalist ::= ( expression ( "," expression )* )?
extend ::= <EXTEND> expression ":" "{" extend_add_commalist "}"
rank ::= <RANK> expression <BY> "(" order_item_commalist <AS> identifier ")"
extend_add_commalist ::= ( extend_add ( "," extend_add )* )?
extend_add ::= identifier ":=" expression
summarize ::= <SUMMARIZE> expression per_or_by ":" "{" summarize_add_commalist "}"
per_or_by ::= ( <PER> "(" expression ")" | <BY> "{" attribute_name_list "}" )?
summarize_add_commalist ::= summarize_add ( "," summarize_add )*
summarize_add ::= identifier ":=" summary
summary ::= <COUNT> "(" ")"
| <COUNTD> "(" expression ")"
| <SUM> "(" expression ")"
| <SUMD> "(" expression ")"
| <AVG> "(" expression ")"
| <AVGD> "(" expression ")"
| <MAX> "(" expression ")"
| <MIN> "(" expression ")"
| <AND> "(" expression ")"
| <OR> "(" expression ")"
| <EQUIV> "(" expression ")"
| <XOR> "(" expression ")"
| <EXACTLY> "(" expression "," expression ")"
| <EXACTLYD> "(" expression "," expression ")"
| <UNION> "(" expression ")"
| <XUNION> "(" expression ")"
| <D_UNION> "(" expression ")"
| <INTERSECT> "(" expression ")"
| summarize_aggregate
| summarize_aggregated
| summarize_userdefined
/* Rel extension. */
summarize_aggregate ::= <AGGREGATE> "(" expression ( "," expression )? ")" ";" op_body <END> ( <AGGREGATE> )?
/* Rel extension. */
summarize_aggregated ::= <AGGREGATED> "(" expression ( "," expression )? ")" ";" op_body <END> ( <AGGREGATED> )?
/* Rel extension. */
summarize_userdefined ::= identifier "(" SummarizeItemDistinct expression ( "," expression )? ")"
/* Rel extension. */
SummarizeItemDistinct ::= ( SummarizeItemDistinctTrue )?
/* Rel extension. */
SummarizeItemDistinctTrue ::= <DISTINCT>
fn_invoke ::= identifier "(" arglist ")"
arglist ::= ( expression ( "," expression )* )?
aggregate_operator ::= <COUNT> "(" expression ")"
| <SUM> "(" expression "," expression ")"
| <AVG> "(" expression "," expression ")"
| <MAX> "(" expression "," expression ")"
| <MIN> "(" expression "," expression ")"
| <AND> "(" expression "," expression ")"
| <OR> "(" expression "," expression ")"
| <EQUIV> "(" expression "," expression ")"
| <XOR> "(" expression "," expression ")"
| <UNION> "(" expression "," expression ")"
| <XUNION> "(" expression "," expression ")"
| <D_UNION> "(" expression "," expression ")"
| <INTERSECT> "(" expression "," expression ")"
| agg_aggregate
agg_aggregate ::= <AGGREGATE> ( agg_aggregate_inline | agg_aggregate_userdefined )
/* Rel extension. */
agg_aggregate_inline ::= "(" expression "," expression ( "," expression )? ")" ";" op_body <END> ( <AGGREGATE> )?
/* Rel extension. */
agg_aggregate_userdefined ::= identifier "(" expression "," expression ( "," expression )? ")"
literal ::= lambda
| tuple
| relation
| integer
| character
| rational
| bool
tuple ::= <TUPLE> "{" ( tuple_component_wildcard | ( tuple_component_commalist )? ) "}"
tuple_component_wildcard ::= <STAR>
tuple_component_commalist ::= tuple_component ( "," tuple_component )*
tuple_component ::= identifier expression
relation ::= <RELATION> relation_heading "{" tuple_exp_commalist "}"
relation_heading ::= ( heading_type )?
heading ::= "{" ( attribute_spec_commalist )? "}"
tuple_exp_commalist ::= ( expression ( "," expression )* )?
attribute_spec_commalist ::= attribute_spec ( "," attribute_spec )*
attribute_spec ::= identifier type_ref
identifier ::= <IDENTIFIER>
dereference ::= <IDENTIFIER>
character ::= <STRING_LITERAL>
string_literal ::= <STRING_LITERAL>
integer ::= <INTEGER_LITERAL>
rational ::= ( <FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL> | <INFINITY> | <NAN> )
bool ::= <TRUE>