Folders for scripts and backups

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Folders for scripts and backups

Post by HughDarwen »

When I want to load a script or make a backup, Rel initially assumes "My documents" as the target folder but then uses the one most recently used. That works fine for me on the odd occasions when successive executions of Rel are with the same database. However, I'm much more likely to be using different databases on successive executions.

I wonder if other users, like me, prefer to store scripts in a folder of that name that is a subfolder of the one containing the database being used.

How about an option in Preferences/General, "Use current database folder for scripts and backups"?

When that option is selected, loading and saving show the contents of the database folder so that the user can immediately click on the appropriate subfolder, instead of, in my case, going all the way back to the higher level folder that contains all of my Rel databases and working my way forwards again to the required place.

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Re: Folders for scripts and backups

Post by HughDarwen »

P.S. Perhaps even better, and simpler, remember the last setting on a database-by-database basis, rather than taking it from the last use of Rel.

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Re: Folders for scripts and backups

Post by Dave »

That seems reasonable. I'll add it to my 'To Do' list.
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