Rel interface: copy-and-paste would be nice

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Rel interface: copy-and-paste would be nice

Post by HughDarwen »

Perhaps a fairly obvious wibni that you already have in plan for a future update (pose V3.010):

I have an all-key relvar of degree five. When entering data it is quite common for four of the attributes to have the same value in several tuples. To able to use copy-and-paste across one or more consecutive columns would be very nice indeed.

Hugh Darwen
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Re: Rel interface: copy-and-paste would be nice

Post by Dave »

In order to avoid confusion with copy-and-paste of specific attribute content -- a thing that often annoyed me when using MS Access -- I suggest the following proposed solution:

A "clone" button -- positioned alongside the existing "Go to INSERT row" and "DELETE selected tuples" toolbar buttons -- that copies the currently-highlighted (if there is one) or most recently inserted tuple (if there isn't a highlighted row, pastes it into a blank row, and positions the cursor within the blank row for editing.

Would that work?
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